Monday, July 5, 2010

Rickshaws aren't a Free Ride

So when I last left you all I think I promised to bring back a few good stories with me from my weekend. I feel like I did a pretty decent job of that. So the break down for my weekend is as follows: Friday pick up Jessica at her place and hit the road. I had a medium sized red bull (which i didn't know existed, how did people ever get by on those little ones and how do people's hearts not explode right the fuck out of their chests when they drink a big one?) so I was all kinds of ready to get to Lawrence and dance/drink the night away. Everyother time I've been to Lawrence in the last year or two I was always seeing some hot single looking dude like left and right so I was excited about getting to put my rusty flirting skills to the test. Being single is like shopping with money when you've been broke for a long time. Suddenly there is nothing you want to waste your time on. But more on that in a minute. We get into Lawrence and get ourselves all fabulous looking before heading over to the bar where everyone is celebrating our friend's surprise bday party. The theme was 'White Trash/80's Prom'. I did not partake in the dressing up since I only knew a handful of people. Anyway, I wore some really bitchn' heels that I did not fall down in and the night was awesome. I did two tequila shots some how and something that had buttershots in it plus beers and still remember the night minus Jessica riding the rickshaw. Oh, what's that? A rickshaw you ask? But, Camille I thought you were in Lawrence, the home town of the amazing Jayhawks located in the central part of the U.S. in the state of Kansas. Well, yeah, I was, just give me a minute to finish before you and all your thoughts interupt me. So as I was saying, there I was at the end of the night all hungry and drunk and surrounded by other hungry and even drunker people (we got to the party late or I would have been a "drunker" also) when all of a sudden a beatiful man named Ben pulls up on his bike with a little buggy thing attached to it asking if I needed a ride. He had no idea how badly I needed a ride. Get your mind out of the gutter, remember those bitchn' heels I mentioned earlier? Yeah, well now they were more like, 'Son of a bitch!'. I needed pizza like for reals and this crazy stupid good looking Ben with the best quads/whatever the muscle behind your calf is, came and picked me up. Remember the previous blog where I joked about "whoring it up", well apon meeting this guy that became less of a joke and more of a mission statement for the night. Alas, fate had other plans for us, such as him working till way past my bedtime getting other drunk people home. Stupid fate. But again you say, 'wait Camille, wasn't that only Friday night? what about whoring it up on Saturday?' Good question. Sort of. If you were paying attention though you would know that most likely I was too hungover Saturday afternoon to do anything more then nap and be very hateful to every single person on the road for the brief amount of time I was on it before said nap. After naptime it was get pretty time and head to KC for THE most ackward wedding reception ever. I wasn't technically invited to the event but even for those that were invited it was super weird. By the time we made it back to Lawrence guess who was working till past my bedtime again. That's right, hot rickshaw Ben. The fates just didn't have us in the cards that weekend, ah well. I've moved on. And have possibley met someone else. Possibly. This new guy, who shall remain nameless for the time being, definitely has one of those faces you could see yourself making out with. Sober or drunk, which is always a plus! ;) So, after a stop at the lake Sunday we came home just in time to oooohhhhh and aaahhhhh at some fireworks. Came home started this blog and crashed before I could find the energy to finish. Good thing though because I started it sober and I just don't think I'm a fan of the sober blogging. I can guarantee that this would not have taken the turn it did if I'd have been sober. A funny turn.
Well, that's about it for now. As my life keeps progressing I will keep posting.

1 comment:

Randy Heise said...

When I read your clever title, I was like oh this is gonna be a good one and I was NOT disappointed. The funniest one yet in my humble opinion. I love living vicariously through your visual. I need some details on the WEIRD wedding reception....with your humor I can only imagine......eeeesh! Glad to see you had a great weekend and am now going to buy stock in the Lawrence Rickshaw business. My weekend consisted of family drama....nothing like having a step brother with PTSD go batshit crazy on everyone. Aw well.....take care Camille and keep the blogs a comin!