Thursday, September 18, 2008

A short list of things I have otherwise learned not to do after drinking,..yet continue to do regardless.

1. After getting home from a long night of drinking I find it a good idea to have at least one more(some times 2 if I haven't yet passed out) alcoholic beverage. It always turns out that this is a bad idea yet some how I always seem to not remember that. Weird.
2.Once or twice I may have "flipped the bitch switch" after too many drinks and had no clue what-so-ever that a "conversation" had taken place till put in the awkward position to explain myself the next day and wondering if that ment how I got home, how I got in this person's house, or worse what I ment by what I said the night before. ????????? crap.
3. Play volleyball on Sunday, although I was 99.9% sure I was going to vomit last Sunday, the fact of the matter is, I did not. And I totally rocked a badass serve against some oldies. Immediantley afterwards I went back to feeling like I might vomit. (Again though, I did not. Champ.)
4.DO NOT EVER try to clean up after your dog it's he/she has been sick and you have been out drinking. This just leads to a much bigger mess.
5.Bar time is 2am for a reason. If you can get to where you are going at or close to this time and get to bed within 30 min of arrival, after maybe eating some Ramen or leftover burrito/steak/week old whatever was in your fridge, whatever, then you are pretty much golden. If on the other hand you choose to stay up drinking and blogging, or watching a show on your DVR, or crying about god knows what because you're wasted, or doing drugs(which for the record I do not do. True statement.), or who knows what else. If you fail to make the appropriate bedtime and feel like you need to do nothing but sleep the next day, then wake up for a solid 45min before needing a nap, then indeed you broke bar time and things not to do after drinking. Drinker beware.
6. Addemdum to number 5, sexy time after 2 am is always ok, because as long as you're being active you won't feel bad the next day about that 2lb burrito you ate. And hey, you got laid.